
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Sinus Bomb...

This spring has been hard on my sinuses.  The weather has been up and down and with it I ended up with a lot of pain and pressure in my sinuses. I used this sinus bomb several times a day to help open up my nasal passages and keep me draining.  Give it a try the next time you have sinus pressure and pain.

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  1. Could u mix with carrier oil and make an inhaler?

    1. You can get refillable nasal inhalers online, can mix with a carrier oil but for the inhalers I just drip them on the cotton wick pit it together and open and smell when needed. Works great and I'm a happy camper with them.

  2. Could u mix with carrier oil and make an inhaler?

    1. Gramma G, I have never mixed the oils and used as an inhaler. You could mix with a carrier oil and rub on your chest. However, this works amazingly well to really open up the sinuses when inhaled.
